Thursday, April 16, 2009

happy summer!

yea yea, i'm greeting everyone to have their summer breaks fun and with ease..

though a lot of my friends are telling me that their summer vacations are boring than ever, not all should really care about it and we shall do what is best and take out what is in store for us on this 2month break...


it only sucks when i realize that i'll be bidding good bye to the prestigious university that i love.. it's hard to imagine myself transferring to wherever, suckish, school i'll be transferring to..

but i have one escape though..

it is to never be with you...

never be near you...

get you out of my mind...

but i can't...

you're the reason why i want to be there, well, except the fact that i want to graduate there, too,..

but i really don't know now...

i'm starting to hate myself so much because i can't avoid you..

i can't have enough of you...

and it seems like i've fallen for you...

you're my angel in disguise...

you bring out the best and the worst from me...

but i really have no other choices left...

i have to leave you...

i really should...

even though i do not want to...

*shinichi's confused